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Royal Military Police
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Pet registration
Importation of your pet
The Royal Military Police in Brunei
BFB Standing Order 1007 - Private Vehicle Ownership, Use & Driving Standards
1. The use of Private Vehicles by British Forces Brunei (BFB) personnel is subject to both UK and Bruneian Law.
2. Personnel are reminded that:
a. Drivers of privately-owned vehicles are legally required to obtain adequate insurance and road tax for their vehicles. The seller’s insurance is invalid unless it has been transferred over to the new owner’s name. Additional drivers are to be named on the insurance document.
b. BFB personnel hiring or owning a vehicle are to ensure that the vehicle is maintained in a roadworthy condition.
c. Seat belts are to be worn at all times by all occupants.
d. Children are to be restrained in an approved Car Seat or Booster Cushion.
e. Displayed speed limits are to be adhered to.
f. Communication devices are not to be used when driving.
g. Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly forbidden.
h. All personnel are to be in possession of a valid car pass irrespective of whether the vehicle enters Medicina or Tuker Lines.
3. Parking is only permitted in designated areas. Areas where parking is not permitted are marked by double yellows lines, no parking signs or as specified by UK and/or Bruneian Road Traffic Laws (for example parking within 20 meters of a pedestrian crossing is prohibited).
Failure to comply with the appropriate legislation may lead to prosecution by either the military or civil authorities.
Security in Married Quarters Guidance
Report any suspicious activity or crime to the RMP immediately. Burglars can only be caught if you provide the RMP with as much information as possible to help them understand the criminals’ behavior. Brunei is still one of the safest postings the Forces has to offer when it comes to theft related crime. However, thieves are nearly always opportunistic and will target homes where they perceive security to be weak. Please do not leave your possessions insecure. All personnel are reminded to be vigilant at all times and to take necessary measures to deter burglars. Detailed advice can be sought from the RMP but sensible measures include:
a. Make sure to lock all doors and windows when you are out of the house or asleep at night.
b. Ask your neighbors to keep an eye on your house if you are away.
c. Put external lights on at night time.
d. Make sure you keep valuable items out of sight from any window and keep curtains drawn if possible.
e. Do not leave all your valuable items in one place. Instead keep them separate and in the least obvious place. Keep photocopies of important documents separate from the originals.
f. Take photographs of items of significant value or sentimental value.
If you have been the victim of crime or if you do see anything suspicious then please call RMP IMMEDIATELY on 8330252.
HQ BFB wants to remind all personnel including civilians, contractors and families to remain vigilant in their own personal security and the security of BFB as a whole.
Remaining vigilant is also proven to reduce crime and acts as a deterrent against opportunist thefts.
Any suspicious activity at all (no matter how insignificant) in and around BFB including SFA areas should be reported to the RMP immediately on 8716245, the Garrison Duty Officer 8746656 or 2 RGR Duty Officer on 8736236.
Suspicious activity may include the following:
· Unidentified persons watching BFB, videoing or taking photos.
· Being followed by suspicious persons.
· Unidentified persons hanging around in the same spot every day.
· Persons walking around SFA areas looking lost.
· Suspicious vehicles driving or riding slowly around or parked with persons observing
BFB Noise Etiquette
All personnel who occupy SFA are reminded that in accordance with the Licence to Occupy British Forces Brunei and Tri-Service regulations JSP 464 that they are to comply with the following condition:
"Make or allow members of his or her household, invited guests or pets to make any noise that causes a nuisance to neighbours or can be heard outside the property between 11pm and 8am (or in accordance with local regulations where these are more stringent)".
It is incumbent upon all personnel to ensure the V&S of the British Army are valued, upheld and that an inclusive and cohesive community is promoted. Any personnel found to be contravening this order my face disciplinary or administrative action.
Headquarters Announcements
and Covid-19 Related Guides
Official updates from British Forces Brunei Headquarters. BFB Community must ensure that they follow the updates in order to better understand the Covid-19 situation and changes.